畫畫 , 就是我的日常 ~傅 鈺
Painting means my routines in life~Yu Fu
藝術人生 , 是我的夢 ! 人生藝術 , 是我的畫夢 !
對於畫畫 , 就是我的日常
時間無涯的荒野裡繪畫創作與生命逐漸合而為一 !
在創作的過程裡 , 遊走於心嚮自由的創作方式 , 在繪畫中尋找真實的自己 !
寫實或不寫實 ! 抽象或不抽象 ! 印象或不印象 !百轉千迴 , 眾裡尋他 ,
不斷改變 , 創作因此而越見清明 !
無論創作方式如何轉變 , 手法如何不同 , 創作都只是藝術家傳遞內在思想的媒介 ,
畫家借著作品呈現內在的思維 ! 在畫裡說的永遠是繪者的生命歲月 ˙
Life for art is my dream! Art of life is my dream to paint!
In my book, painting is my daily life.
In the wilderness where time is boundless, painting and life combine gradually!
In the journey of creation, roaming for freedom that the creator is keen on means the search for real self!
Realism or non-realism! Abstractionism or non-abstractionism! Expressionism or non-expressionism! There is one out of so many encounters for the meant-to-be.
Ongoing changes lead to the sheer image of creation!
No matter how a creator alters the way to create a work and how the approach varies, the work is just one medium to convey the inner.
The painter conveys the inner by the finished works! The paintings tell the tales of the painter’s life for good.
傅鈺喜歡文學 喜歡詩
隨手寫意些句子 , 很自由 , 沒有一定的規律
繪畫塗塗抹抹 , 變有形於無形 , 變無形於有形 , 橫豎皆宜 ,
伸展自如 , 像個萬花筒般多變 , 這是傅鈺所喜歡的 !
總想把藝術形體減化 , 把詩境融入 , 希望能尋找
一個有形的母體 , 成為她的新藝術
不是抽象表現主義與幾何抽象的冷抽象 , 而是想融入抒情
好將她的詩心畫意入作品 , 這是的理想 , 它不是純悴的
而是有 [ 夢 ]的 !
絕對忠實 , 不是囈語!
文/ 焦士太 / 現代資深藝術家 / 藝評人
Yu FU is a fan of literature and loves poetry.
She takes some notes of her mind freely in a random way.
Her drawing converts tangible to intangible or intangible to tangible, whatever pleases her.
Her unlimited variation like a kaleidoscope is what pleases her!
She manages to minimize the form of art and blends the poetry in her work.
Hopefully, she finds a tangible population and makes it her novel art.
She manages to include some sentiments in her creation rather than just rigid abstraction of abstract expressionism and geometric abstraction in order to include her poetic mind and picturesque conception in her works, which is her ideal. It is not utterly sheer
but with DREAM!
Absolute authentic! No talks in sleep!
Art is about resemblance and dissimilarity
取捨 虛實
A painting is not a painting unless you see ink and brush
The trade-off between reality and reality
Abstract Expressionism
In the painting art,
the western aesthetics values the form and quality
whereas the oriental aesthetics values the mentality and sophistication.
As it comes to Yu Fu,
she is the oriental in the western world! On her way to abstraction, she marries the West and the East!
As for the horizontality of quality and sophistication, the sizing of tones and hues, the lengths of lines, in the journey of creation, they signify not just the expression of colors, but become occasionally the poetry and occasionally the essays, occasionally rationality and occasionally sensibility, occasionally rotating and leaping, and occasionally pacing down! I praise, I dance and I linger…
The painting is a ballad as the paints chorus poetically, lively, gracefully, subtly, blurrily…
As the happy and sad colors float between the viewers and the work, which means I sing, we dance and YIN (implicitness) lingers!
很多人都看不懂抽象,他們問 :「那是什麼?」「是亂畫?!」
不! 是心靈的自然----是非形象的,無意識的,超視覺的,超現實的一種純粹繪畫吧!
之後亂中有序,序中有亂, 這個「亂」字是繪畫的肢體語言,神經末梢。
(我的創作經驗) 。
文/ 焦士太 / 現代資深藝術家 / 藝評人
The Enigma of Abstract Art
Many people don't understand abstraction, they ask, "What is that?" "Is it a mess?
No! No! It is the nature of the mind. ---- is a non-figurative, unconscious, super-visual, surreal and pure painting.
Many years later, Li Zhongsheng left! The booklet he left with him was full of circles and dots, with many random lines intertwined.
The booklet he left behind was full of circles and dots, with many random lines intertwined, like graffiti, there is no name for it. They were broken up into single pages, and the paintings were bought at high prices!
"Chaos" is the source of artistic creation. All paintings begin with chaos, and in the midst of graffiti, we search for the order of form.
The word "chaos" is the body language of painting, the nerve endings.
The word "chaos" is the body language of painting, the nerve endings. It can generate emotions (life), so it seems to have no "emotion" but has "emotion", which is the language of feeling of non-figurative art!
(My creative experience).
It is important to search and discover, and it is a permanent process, a path that all artists have taken, the "root" of modern art.
Text/ Jiao Shitai / Senior Modern Artist / Art Critic
鄉 愁 賦
夢裡的故鄉 天 遙 路 遠 !
從來都父親口中的故鄉 !
回鄉那日 , 風雨淒迷
熱淚不止 !
經歷華麗與滄桑 !
朝朝代代 , 風風雨雨
離別那日 , 天上一輪明月
成為我今日的鄉愁 !
🔸 2019年中壢藝術館發表 🔸
Slipping through my fingers all the time
I try to capture every minute
SometimeI wish that I could freeze the picture⋯⋯展 期:112 年9月6日至 112 年9月17日
展出地址:桃園市桃園區縣府路21號策 展 : 隱 藝 術
滴 、答、滴、答、滴答⋯⋯滴答⋯⋯
光陰秒秒由微小的滴答逐漸拉成一條條細長的線,在夜裡、日裡交織擺盪成為畫布上的生命歲月,屈指歲月西風流轉。許多年了!一直走在光陰的裡面,從「收藏記憶」、「就是尋常」、「拾光」、「歲月如此」、「歲月如斯」、「詠嘆調」、「時光漫漫」、「書寫光陰」、「我歌 影徘徊」到這次「指縫間的事」總依著歲月的腳步,划向夢裡的星輝!
指縫間堆疊出的點點滴滴化為斑斕色彩,黃色、紫色、黑色、紅色⋯色塊裡的希望與失望、美好與思念,季節更迭花開花落!畫著每一段心緒、情感,就像是寫日記,獨自書寫著。在點滴累積的線條與塊面中看見心裡的那些執著與沉迷!“心”是什麼?藝術是什麼?多麽想知道,知道如何由繪畫的此岸到藝術的彼岸?想知道如何造一首詩的路徑去觀望自己,從曾經的忐忑到逐漸釋懷,慢慢了解世間所有都是不能回頭的筆調,日復一日的往前堆疊,慢慢整理出自己的樣貌、從寫實到抽像,一筆又一筆 Time flowing through my fingers!
藝術追求的過程中,畫畫是朝朝暮暮!往時的點滴若指縫間流過的點、線條與色塊 ,大大小小連續出傅鈺的歲月時光,進修、轉變、聯展、獲獎、及個展等等……然後傅鈺說:這些種種,只是想讓那些指縫間的事留下蛛絲馬跡!
這些種種~只是想讓您看見我那些指縫間的事 !此次展出配合多媒體互動裝置,無論在或不在現場您都可借著多媒體裝置與我交集、相遇!
Tick...tock...tick...tock, ...tick...tock.Time drips on secondafter second. Gradually the drips form long thin lines on the canvas of life,by night or by day, swaying in the winds of time. Years have passed! I have been walking inside time from “Collecting Memories”, “Just Ordinary”, “Picking Light”, “Time is Like This”, “Time is Like That”, “Sighing Tune”, “Endless Time”, “Writing Time”, “My Song and Shadow” to this present time “Timeflowing through my fungers”.I’ve always followed the footsteps of time and rowed towards the stars in my dreams!
I am the painter who sings in the sparkling.From spring toautumn/From winter to summer/No matter the age or season/I still live on one word after another/This life and the next/One word after another/After all,this is the trying journey we chose to endure...The trying journey of going
against the flows that Zhong Xiaoyang mentioned in his poem is exactly the
painter’s state of mind, and it is also such a journey that we chose to endure
day and night!The dots piling upbetween fingers turn into splendid colors, yellow, purple, black, red...the hope and hopelessness, beauty and longing, and flower blooms and fadings of the season! Painting each emotionlike writing in the diary. In the lines and blocks grown out of drips, I see those persistence and obsession in my heart! What is “heart”? What is art? How I wish to know how to go from painting on this side to art on the other! How I wish to know how to make a path for a poem to observe myself, from once being uneasy to gradually letting go. How I wish to slowly understand that nothing in the world can be turned back. The brushstrokes add up day after day and slowly shape their own appearance. From realism to abstraction, one stroke after another. Time flowing through my fingers!
This exhibition isaccompanied by multimedia interactive installations, whether you are present or not, you can intersect and meet me through multimedia installations!